About Me

Thursday, December 1, 2016

If I Had To Work In A School

If I had to work in a school for a little, I would be a kindergarten teacher. I love kids (and hate them).  I am in Leadership at ATA (American Taekwondo Association)  so I always work with kids, whether it's in the Tiny Tiger's class or a Birthday Party for one of my 'smol children' Every little kid at my TKD school is my 'smol child'. I find is very easy to work with little kids since they are so young and playful unlike moody teenagers. I also know how little kids work. I can easily find their weaknesses.

I am also VERY lazy so this would be perfect for me. Kindergartners do not take many tests or do much homework so that means less things to grade! I know the crazy kids will probably cause me a lot of stress but I can take it. I have to take care of a crazy girl named Melissa after all. I know as a fact that kids HATE nap time but I was able to keep a whole camp calm for half an hour over the summer (and these kids were VERY active).

I also adore affection and little kids LOVE their teacher. Tom's little sister always hugs me when she sees me and that's a common reaction that little kids have when they see someone who they look up to.

I am also very exciting when reading to little kids. I try to do the voices and act out the actions so I make reading very fun. That is an important thing when reading to kids. It's best to get kids into reading at a young age so they will love reading when they're older. I don't want them to be like me. I didn't like reading until I was in fourth grade.

I also want these kids to have a good childhood. My best memories are from kindergarten because my life wasn't so messed up.


  1. Same. Except I would choose 1st grade kindergarten Is too little for me.

    1. Nice, Just be careful, 1st graders love to steal watches.
