About Me

Friday, December 16, 2016

My Voice

So I wanted to make a post about something about me that I just HATE! As you saw form my last post, I have rhotacism speech impediment. So it's when a person has difficulty or just can't pronounce their r sounds. That guy that everyone hates from The Big Bang Theory has the same thing as you can tell. He cannot pronounce his r's at all. I'm lucky because it's only a little difficult for me to pronounce them. I have been taking speech classes for about eight years now so I've improved but sadly I will always sound like a little kid. This does bother me a lot to the point where I try to not talk at all but my friends say I sound fine and no one ever really comments about it so I'm starting to get more confident about my voice. I just wanted to write this because I feel like it's just a quick little educational thing you should learn about me just in case so you wont assume that I only like to talk like a baby.

To lighten the mood, I have a funny story to add. Last year, my twin broke her arm after some parkour fails. Her arm was clearly broken so I had to call 911. The operator thought I was a little boy named Joey because my voice is kinda deep too. People would think that I was offended but I was actually laughing with my friends after meli was at the hospital and I was at my friend's house.

1 comment:

  1. I have a speech impediment too. I had the worst stutter when I was little, like I could barely get my words out. Fortunately, it was improved so much. I only stutter a little but now. It's barely noticeable
