About Me

Friday, December 16, 2016

What My Name Means

So as you know, my name is Zoey. My mom though some relative's name was super cool so she named me Zoey. I also like to say that I was named after one of my parent's family pet since they were also named Zoey. My name means life so fear me peasants. I may not a be god but without me, you wouldn't be here reading this masterpiece haha jk. I always love having my name because of a few reasons. 1. It's a short name so it's great since I'm lazy; 2. My name does not interfere with my rhotacism speech impediment (I have trouble pronouncing the 'R' sound); 3. It is kinda unique because most people spell Zoey without the Y. It is a pain if I want to find those ornaments or key-chains with my name on it, though I did find an ornament that said Zoey so yeah, coolio. Another problem is that subs will pronounce my name as if they're saying Zoo-a-e.

If I could change my name, I would change it to Fauna. When I was a dweeb and had a membership on Animal Jam, I did the random name thing and I got Fauna The Wolf. I have been obsessed with that name but now I'm not so big on it. I still love that name and I have a wolf stuffed animal named Fauna. Fauna is a fancy word for Animal. I love animals so it fits. Now I'm called Neo on social media because I used to roleplay as Neophyte Redglare. I wouldn't want to change my name to Neo but it's a cool nickname that I got.

I would also like to be called Tyrone. Gravity Falls reference


  1. I've always thought zoey was a beautiful name. Great story

    1. Thank you so much! Your name is also very lovely.
