The song is about Angelica roasting Alexander Hamilton after he cheated on Eliza. She's standing up for her sister. I would die for Melissa because she means the world to me. She is my twin. She is like my other half so if I ever lose her, I would have an empty hole ripped in me forever.
"I love my sister more than anything in this life. I would choose her happiness over mine." That line is the reason why this song is my theme song and special song. I said something similar to this earlier today. I told my friends about how I would take away my sister's problems and have them affect me and not Meli. I said that I would rather have me suffer than hear my sister say that she believes that she is fat.
Angelica also sings about how she is disgusted by Alexander because he cheated on his wife, Eliza. I have sworn to Meli that I will cut ANYONE who hurts her. I want to make sure Melissa is happy so that means I am willing to kill a man because he thought it was okay to take some time off from her to be with another girl. I'm pretty much taking my dad's job because he's too nice.
So Hamilton and Angelica wanted to get married but Angelica sacrificed her happiness so Eliza could be happy with Hamilton. That actually relates to something that happened a few months ago. I was at Fright Fest with Meli and Olivia. We met these two guys and there was this one boy who I liked. Meli and I just met the boy and like teenage girls with raging hormones, we fell both in love with him. He liked Meli so I just kept my mouth shut the whole night. I don't know what happened but Meli and the boy never really talk anymore. But yeah, reminds me of what Angelica did so her sister could be happy.
I also love how Angelica is like ".. Sacrifice..?" As she would most likely give him the "What the heck did you just say?" Face. I mean, sacrifices are cool. I'm banned from sacrificing anyone in Chorus. There's a sign and everything.
Congratulations really impacts me. I can relate to many songs but this one really speaks to me.
I don't have a sister but I have a little brother. I fell like its the same way for me.