Last year, on the week of my birthday (October 16), The 7th graders went to an overnight camp. I honestly loved the camp except for a few things. One thing was the teacher in my cabin. She's the who'l councilor so she always wants to make sure we're okay by constantly asking us because we're not talking with the other kids even though you're clearly in the middle of a really good book. Also I was in the worst cabin because it has the farthest walk and was the smallest. I also disliked how I didn't get to hang out with any of my friends because we were put into certain groups. I at least had my sister with me in my cabin. She was mainly in my cabin because we both crippling anxiety. Meli also thought it would be a good idea to break her arm about a month before the trip. I'm going to save the food for later. because that deserves a whole paragraph.
I loved it though. When I went fishing, I ended up falling asleep and when I woke up, Mr. Atwood and Sra. Conejo said that I looked so adorable while taking a nap with a fishing rod resting in my feet. I was also able to draw while in the cabin so that was so relaxing. And as you may know, I am a loner who only socializes with people who I actually like. That's kind of ironic because the trip was meant for us to try and make a new friend and socialize. Though, when you've known most of these people for at lest over 4 years, you end up knowing a lot about them and finding all the reasons not to be their friend.
So the food. It almost killed me. The food was pretty bad and I drank expired milk. At the camp, we always had different meals. For dinner, we these really good bread sticks with pasta so that meal didn't suck, except for when Acacia's cabin took all of the extra bread sticks. They also had salad. I never ate the salad, I just stole packets of croutons and saved them for the buss ride home. That's all I remember about the food.
But wait.. what about the title? Well, this is what I mean. The tomato soup is evil. You will die if you eat it. We lost a young girl last year because she was dares to drink it. Okay so that's not true but the girl said that it was pretty horrible. We were supposed to use it for dipping sauce for our grilled cheese. Sadly, the grilled cheese was soggy and cold. It tasted like water with some weird food coloring mixed with trash. I hope they don't serve that again this year.
I can honestly write a whole book about this but I'm going to end it here before I start talking about the Archery thing. That's for another day.
I can honestly write a whole book about this but I'm going to end it here before I start talking about the Archery thing. That's for another day.
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