When I get obsessed with famous people, I am OBSESSED! So that means I would literally kill someone to meet them but I wont because I am a child of God
jk. I'm an atheist. I would never kill anyone though. You can't get into a good college if you're in jail for murder. But back to the post, I would love to meet these three People. Andrew Hussie, John Green, and Lin Manuel Miranda. I would love to meet these three people while in a forest, talking about writing and stuff like that. All of these men are an author of some sort and they all making people cry from their work.
Andrew Hussie has ruined my life because now I can never look at Buckets, Puppets, The rainbow, Betty Crocker, Spiders, Dragons, and Candy Corn the same way ever again. Hussie's webcomic, Homestuck, is very unique from the crazy blind troll to the gay kid who says he isn't gay. The webcomic is over 8,000 mages long and will be having it's 1 year anniversary since it ended on April 13, 2017. He made a snapchat account to just post fun, extra things but he only posts on holidays. I admire how Hussie puts in so much planning to his work. He has so many twists and makes Homestuck very confusing yet fun
and painful. He is one of my inspirations for writing. He inspired me to make a little story for some OCs' were so many people die. One of the sister's face get's clawed off! So Andrew Hussie inspires me to be unique with my OCs.
John Green is also an author who destroyed my life. I have only read
Fault In Our Stars but that has proved to me that he has no mercy. I'm scared yet excited to read more of his books because of that. I find his writing fun and he has made very cool characters. I do not know much about John Green so meeting him would be perfect to learn more about him and get even more tips for writing and inspiration.
Oh boy. Here's the part where Mrs. Joyner
d is going to start fangirling. As you may know, Lin has made a musical based on a forgotten founding father. Lin Manuel Miranda was able to let America remember a forgotten father which is very VERY important. Americans should know about their country's history so making a hip hop themed musical about it was an amazing idea. And the songs are so amazing. Lin made 46 songs for the musical. That's a lot, Unless you're comparing that to my playlist on Spotify. It has 1,500 songs and is over 3 days long. But seriously, 46 songs! I also love how he was able to make a song were Philip
Hamilton's son Graduated, got a date with 2 ladies, and got shot all in one song. Now that blew me away!
Please do not give me an F, Mrs. Joyner. A lot of times, I will use his songs to help me think of things that happened to my OCs. For example, I got the idea of having the main character cheat on her girlfriend after I heard the song Burn.
I know it's strange or cliche but being out in the woods inspires me to write. I guess it's because I hide in my room all day. I would just love to talk about writing with them. Getting idea's and tips from the three would be very helpful. I guess it would be cool to have a picnic too. I like food, I like the Woods, and I like talking. It would be a dream come true!