About Me

Monday, November 21, 2016

What I'm Grateful For (besides food)

I curl up in my cozy, warm blanket on a cold November night. I log onto my personal blog (http://neothedragontato.blogspot.com/) and think of what I should write about next while I blast Yorktown into my ears. I suddenly realize that I have not done my post about what I am grateful for. I then wonder what I am thankful for.

I am grateful for Blogger, for how I can express my self in writing.

I am grateful for my lead pencils, for their constant sharpness so my art can be the best it can be.

I am grateful for Lin-Manuel Miranda, for his music which inspires me to show my full potential.

I am grateful for Andrew Hussie, for making such a crazy webcomic that has now impacted my life and made me a peice of fabulous trash.

I am grateful for my baby Daves on my wall, for how they bring back that memory of the best prank ever!

I am grateful for ATA, for giving me a second family, for it's loving care and hard work.

I am grateful for Lenny and Kenny the Skeletons, for how they allow me to use them for skeleton memes.

I am grateful for my laptop, for letting me be able to share my art and memes with people who will know what I'm drawing.

I am grateful for my new friends this school year, for how they don't make me feel so lonely.

I am grateful for Melissa, for her loving care even though she tried killing me in the womb. (comment to know why)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Best Hot Dog Joint

       I remember this restaurant called Fred Hots. It was a very small hot dog joint but WOW was it amazing. My family would go there all the time. We eventually became good friends with the owner, Fred. He loved Meli and I because we where such cute little things. He would even give us "reindeer food" during Christmas. Sadly, the reindeer treats were just glitter and dry dog food put into a bag. I didn't get to see a reindeer but I did see a squirrel that my dog tried to kill a few months ago (the squirrel had a special tail).

       I was always a strange eater and this restaurant was no exception. My parents would always order the best sweet potato fries. It came with a side of ketchup and nacho cheese. I was bored and very stupid so I asked my mom if I could put some cheese onto my hot dog. My mom was just like "meh, why not?". To this day, I still eat cheese with my hot dog.

       I also remember how he served hot dogs the size of my thumb. They even came in little buns. Meli and I loved them. Me would take faces on them and then kill them in such horrific. It was so fun. We would also sometimes get foot long hot dogs. They always confused me because I thought they would be the size of the person's foot but they were just 12 inches long. I would also make a ketchup face on them and murder the poor thing.

       Sadly, Fred had to close down Fred Hots because it wasn't making enough money. I really miss that place and I would do anything to be able to go there again. My family feels the same way. Though one thing that stands out is the reindeer food because I would love to just throw some at Meli in the middle of the night but I cant. Luckily, I was able to find another great hot dog joint, Portillo's. The cheese is great and the hot dogs are soooooooo good.

Where I Would Go

So I guess I can write things on the blog that were past choices so yeah...

I always enjoyed traveling except when I'm with my sister because we get into fights over the silliest things. Some examples are when she eats the last pizza goldfish which were mainly for me. Or I'm using all the data even though I prefer not to have a social life. So since I hate car rides, I'd have to choose somewhere far, far away. I want to go to Greece.

I am Percy Jackson trash and I love Greek Mythology so why not? I would love to see all of the withered ruins of the gods and then make bad jokes about how most chaos in myths happen because Zeus decided to do the do with another girl which either spawned a hellish thing or an angry wife. I would also like to see the ocean in Greece. I heard the water is turquoise. It would probably remind me of Terezi's blood but hey, that's what happens when you read Homestuck.

I have always been a fan of food and I'm super picky so having actual Greek food would be nice. I'm guessing they would have fresh fish since they are surrounded by fish. I would love to have fish that isn't frozen or caught from the river. My Spanish teacher said that fish caught from the ocean and served that same day tastes way better than frozen fish from the grocery store.

So yeah, I'm trash and I like food. That's mainly why I want to go.